Monday, March 14, 2011

The Etiquette Imperative - Social Etiquette/Resolving Conflict with Grace

Dining Etiquette Tip of the Day:
Gentlemen, should a lady wish to be excused for from the table, it is polite for you to stand up as she leaves the table, sit down again, and then stand once more when she returns.

Last Saturday, young ladies from across the city came together at The Etiquette Imperative:  Know Your Destination Etiquette Series, to laugh, learn, define the type of women they'd like to become and to better understand how etiquette mastery could help them to bring the vision of their future selves to fruition.
These fun and engaging "girl only" (ages 7-14) etiquette classes will not only enhance esteem, increase respect of others and help girls to navigate a variety of social situations; they will also provide an opportunity for girls to chart their destination, as they define the type of women they would like to become...while walking along that path with girls who are reading from the same map. 
Join us this Saturday! 

We invite you to join us for the second workshop in the series: 

Social Etiquette/Resolving Conflict with Grace
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Harold Washington Library Conference Center
400 South State Street


The series may also be implimented in schools and for social service, community and faith-based organizations.  Please give us a call or email us for more information about these options.

I hope to see you there!


Ladon Thames Brumfield
Girls Rule!  Inspiring Girls to Blend...OUT!
Phone:  312-479-0789

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