Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hello Youth Committee,

There are no official notes from this Tuesday’s quarterly Youth Committee meeting with IDHS (sorry, no note-taker), but there are a couple of things to follow up with everyone about.  We are advocating that IDHS’ programs—Homeless Prevention, Emergency and Transitonal Housing, and Homeless Youth Programs, as well as the other corresponding youth services (CCBYS and UDIS)—are not cut or moved to other state departments. There will be a second email next week that will provide a letter that providers can customize and send to the Governor, Secretary Saddler, and members of the Illinois General Assembly.

We will be having a lobby day and rally in Springfield on Wednesday, April 13th.  CCH will provide a bus for youth and staff from your programs.  Other CCH staff will organize another busload of adult individuals from shelters and transitional living programs to also advocate against the cuts and transfers. 

For the youth bus, there will likely be the usual 2 stops—one on the north side and one on the south side—with pick ups starting around 6 a.m. in order to arrive in Springfield by 11 a.m.  For those outside Chicago, or even from within, who want to bring a group of youth and staff from your programs, please let me know so that we can coordinate our plans and so that everyone can join in a rally to be held outside at the Lincoln Statue around 1 or 1:30 p.m.  The buses will leave around 2 p.m.

CCH will help with coordinating team assignments and materials, etc.

I will need to know by the end of next week, if you plan to come with a group, an estimate of how many people, if you would like to travel on our bus or on your own, etc. in order to coordinate all pick ups, drop offs, and other logistics.

Thank you,

Daria Mueller, MSW
Senior Policy Analyst
Chicago Coalition for the Homeless
Merchandise Mart
Suite 941
PO Box 3255
Chicago, IL  60654
Voice: (312) 527-2673, ext. 231
Fax: (312) 527-2947

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