Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Help Us Spread Our Youth Messages . . .

Greetings, . . .

We, Jkbu Productions, Inc., are reaching out to individuals to help us spread the positive message of hope to our youth.
Our company, Jkbu Productions, Inc. a Christian-based production company provide and promote M.E.S.S. (motivation, education, spirituality and success) through theatre stageplays and skits, film/TV, music and positive recreational outlets.

I want the share with you our youth anti-violence public service announcement, "I Wanna Grow Up". Here is the link:

Please look forward to our upcoming inspirational youth film, "what about the children". This film is about the struggling relationship between the parent and the child and how the child deals with the neglect. Here is a link to view a clip from the film:

We encourage you to forward these links to everyone that you may know. Despite the challenges in our world, we are working hard and endeavoring to do our part in making a difference in the lives of our youth in this city and across this country.

On behalf of Jkbu Productions, Inc., we say, "THANK YOU" in advance for your efforts in helping us spread our youth messages. Please feel free to view our website to learn more about us and what we do to "CHANGE A LIFE to SAVE A LIFE!!!" 
Cortez & Jeri Mack

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