Thursday, March 17, 2011

Let Me Play Grants For girls

Let Me Play Grants

Giving girls more than just money.

By receiving grants for participation fees and equipment costs, young women have opportunities to be part of a team, realize their dreams, grow through healthy outlets, and obtain personal growth they may not have been able to realize otherwise.

How do you get a grant?

The Ann Bancroft Foundation's “Let Me Play” grants are awarded twice annually: May and November. Applications are due 30 days prior to distribution and updates are on The Ann Bancroft Foundation website for each bi-annual round of grants.

Who is eligible?

Minnesota Girls ages 5-19 are eligible to apply for a grant. Each application is screened by a representative from The Ann Bancroft Foundation prior to going to a volunteer committee who reviews and ranks the grants for distribution.

How much money is available per athlete?

Individual grants will not exceed $1,000. “Let Me Play” grants average $120 and the amount and number of grants awarded each session are determined by the number of qualified applicants and the amount of funds available.
Download the application.

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