Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Navigating Through Adolescence training

Youth and Resilience
Professional Development Training Series
Winter Series 2011
Co-Sponsored by The Night Ministry and The National Runaway Switchboard
Navigating Through Adolescence
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 Let’s face it, adolescents are complicated. Can you remember when you were an adolescent? One day you go to bed and your voice was an octave higher than when you woke up the next morning. All of a sudden you sweat (and stink) when you play sports. You thought you knew everything, that you were always right and most of all indestructible. In this workshop, we will navigate through adolescence and gain an understanding of adolescent development.
Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
Gain an understanding of adolescent development Understand how stress/trauma impacts adolescent development Understand how adolescents cope with their stressors Recognize and support when an adolescent needs extra resources Learn how to engage adolescents Ms. Rebecca Levin, LCSW, holds an MA in Human Development and an MA in Social Work and has 13 years of experience working with families and at-risk youth. Ms. Levin is currently responsible for coordinating a federal SAMHSA grant project, which involves use of an evidenced based treatment model for youth who are struggling with substance use issues. She has extensive knowledge of youth risk and resilience factors, adolescent development, violence within the family, and is trained in strength-based, family-focused, and task-oriented therapies. Previous to Alternatives, she worked in a family preservation program in Albany, New York. Training Location: The Night Ministry 4711 N. Ravenswood Ave. Time: Registration at 8:30am, training 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Cost: $25 for one person, 4 staff can attend for $75.00, please tell Julie at the time of registration CEUs and CPDUs: 3 continuing education credits will be awarded for each session Registration Contact: Julie Bodnar 773-506-3611 julieb@thenightministry.org Getting to TNM: Limited free parking available on Ravenswood between Leland and Lawrence using a parking permit (inside the Night Ministry door). The Night Ministry is accessible via a number of CTA options; www.rtachicago.com.

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