Friday, May 06, 2011

Advocates is Recruiting Youth Activists

Advocates is Recruiting Youth Activists
Are you a young person (14-24 years old) who is
- Passionate about fighting for young people's rights to sexual health information and services?
-  Interested in connecting with youth leaders from across the country?
 - Dedicated to developing skills to make a difference in your community?
Consider applying for one of Advocates for Youth's programs!
If selected, you will have opportunities to: develop new organizing and leadership skills; become informed on sexual and reproductive health issues; connect with passionate young people from across the country; and have a lasting impact on your communities.
You will also join more than 100 youth activists in Washington, DC for an intense four-day activist training institute free of charge!

Advocates' youth activists have done amazing work this year. You can join them in:
- Increasing HIV testing on your campus
- Providing confidential support and resources to young people who are worried about coming out
- Working with college administrators to make condom distribution more widely available on your campus
- Mobilizing your peers around international family planning issues
- Working to destigmatize abortion and ensure youth access to affordable birth control

If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, check out the program descriptions below and apply today! Application deadlines are coming up fast.

Wait — I'm not a young person...
If you are a parent, teacher, or advocate who knows young people who are passionate about sexual and reproductive health and rights, please encourage them to apply today
Campus Organizing Team

Advocates for Youth works with campus organizations to provide them with skills, information, and materials to conduct advocacy campaigns on their campuses. Each year, selected campus organizations are chosen to receive intensive assistance, including funding, advocacy and media training, materials for dissemination and on-going assistance to help educate, activate, and empower students on issues such as condom availability, LGBT rights, comprehensive sex education, abortion access, and HIV prevention/treatment among others!

DOWNLOAD the 2011 Campus Organizing Team application (apps. are due May 9, 2011).

MySistahs Peer Educators

MySistahs is a website created by and for young women of color to provide information and offer support on sexual and reproductive health issues through education and advocacy. Through blogs, monthly awareness features, and online peer education, MySistahs Peer Educators provide young women with information on activism, culture, sexual health, and other issues that are important to them.

DOWNLOAD the 2011 MySistahs Peer Education application (apps are due May 15, 2011).

Young Women of Color Leadership Council (YWOCLC)

Due to the alarming rates of HIV and AIDS among young women of color, the Young Women of Color Leadership Council was started in 2002 to empower, educate, and include young women of color in HIV prevention efforts and to build youth leaders. YWOCLC consists of young women from all across the United States who have come together to prevent the spread of HIV in their communities, especially among other young women of color. These dynamic young women educate their peers so they will become involved in fighting HIV in their respective communities.

DOWNLOAD the 2011 YWOCLC application (apps are due May 15, 2011).

YouthResource Peer Educators

YouthResource, a website by and for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning (GLBTQ) young people, explores issues of concern to GLBTQ youth. The Online Peer Educators provide affirmation and support to their peers, answer questions posed by visitors, and assist users to find the local resources they need. Peer Educators also write blogs, articles and issue briefs for the YouthResource website, advocate for GLBTQ rights, and present at conferences on GLBTQ issues.

DOWNLOAD the 2011 YouthResource Peer Education application (apps are due May 15, 2011).

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