Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Andrew Family Foundation

The Andrew Family Foundation seeks to provide expansion capital to an established organization(s) to build a new program or to enhance an existing program that addresses the issue of literacy and focuses on teaching young children in grades K-3 how to read. The program must positively affect and enhance the lives of disadvantaged youth and enable them to read at grade level by the end of 3rd grade. Preference will be given to organizations that focus on collaborating with other organizations to replicate proven solutions. The Andrew Family Foundation will NOT consider programs that directly impact public policy or provide funding of endowments or capital grants.

The Foundation will award grant(s) of up to $250,000 over a three-year period. The financial support will be restricted to a specific purpose or project and can include operational support. The grant is contingent on the requirements outlined in the grant administration section and subject to the terms outlined under the legal compliance disclaimer section.

For details about the program, including the application process, please visit:

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