Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Grant Announcements

YSA Grants & Awards -

2012 Global Youth Service Day & Semester of Service Lead Agencies

Deadline Extended: July 22

Lead Agencies convene a planning coalition of at least 10 partner organizations that collectively engage at least 600 youth volunteers in service during Semester of Service and on GYSD, engage local media and elected officials, and plan a high profile signature project or celebration of service. Lead Agencies receive a $2,000 GYSD planning grant sponsored by State Farm, travel support to attend YSA's annual Youth Service Institute, and ongoing training and technical assistance from YSA.  

Sodexo Lead Organizer Grants 

Deadline Extended: July 22

Sodexo Lead Organizers will work with partner organizations to engage at least 600 youth volunteers in learning about and addressing the issue of childhood hunger in their communities, beginning during Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week (November 14-20) and continuing through Global Youth Service Day (GYSD) (April 20-22, 2012). Sodexo Lead Organizers receive a $2,000 planning grant, travel and lodging for YSA's Youth Service Institute, and ongoing training and technical assistance.  

STEMester of Service Grants

Deadline: July 15

YSA is seeking middle schools with large populations of disadvantaged youth in the 19 states with highest dropout rates (AK, AZ, CA, CO, DE, DC, GA, HI, IL, LA, MI, MT, NV, NM, NY, NC, RI, WA, WY). Grantees will engage students in a STEMester of Service addressing critical environmental and disaster preparedness needs and connecting them to STEM curricula. The $5,000 grant supports sustainable service projects that launch on MLK Day of Service (January 16, 2012) and culminate on GYSD (April 20-22, 2012).    

Sodexo School Engagement Grants 

Deadline: August 15

The Sodexo School Engagement grant program will support teachers and students, grades K-12, in learning about the incidence of childhood hunger in their community, and in leading meaningful activities that facilitate access to nutritious food for all children, especially those most at risk. The program will be implemented through a service-learning "Semester of Service" focused on childhood hunger that launches on MLK Day of Service (January 16, 2012) and culminates on GYSD (April 20-22, 2012).. 11 grantees will receive a $5,000 planning grant.  

2012 GYSD Regional Partner Grants

Deadline: July 30

YSA is accepting applications from organizations around the world to serve as Regional Partners for Global Youth Service Day (April 20-22, 2012).
YSA will select and support 10 Regional Partners with a $5,000 planning grant. Regional Partners will be responsible for promoting and coordinating GYSD in their region, mobilizing partner organizations and Country Partners in their region, working with media and government officials, tracking projects, and assisting with grant reviews and translations.
The GYSD Regional Partner program is only open to organizations outside the United States.  

Sodexo Youth Grants 

Deadline: September 16

YSA will award 25 Sodexo Youth Grants of $500 each to support youth-led service projects in the United States that address the issue of childhood hunger during National Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week (November 13-20, 2011).  We're looking for projects that engage your peers, friends, families, neighbors, Sodexo employees, and other community members in creative, youth-inspired solutions to ending childhood hunger in your community. Learn more at    

Grants & Awards From YSA Partners

GenerationOn 9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance Grants

Deadline: July 22

GenerationOn  is excited to partner with schools, youth organizations, and youth volunteers across the country to help organize service projects that will engage and inspire youth to commit to serve on this day and beyond, and to create positive change by utilizing their voices and deeds to promote service in honor of 9/11.  GenerationOn will distribute $500 mini-grants to school teachers/administrators, out-of-school educators, youth leaders affiliated with a school or organization, and community organizations that work directly with youth. These grants are intended to engage young people in hands-on service projects and develop creative and innovative projects for community engagement and impact.   

CNCS 9/11 National Day of Service 10th Anniversary Challenge

Deadline: July 29

For the 10th Anniversary Challenge, CNCS will award up to $500,000 through approximately 10-15 awards ranging from $10,000 to $100,000 to organizations that achieve the highest level of volunteer engagement.   Service activities should honor those who died and those who have served because of the tragedies of 9/11, and include a time of reflection and remembrance.  Projects should be implemented on or near 9/11/11 and clearly be linked to the observance of the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance. The CNCS 10th Anniversary Challenge is being conducted through, the Obama Administration new portal for contests and prizes.   

CISV USA Founder's Award

Deadline: July 31

In honor and celebration of its 60th anniversary, ClSV USA will be awarding one individual with the inaugural Founder's Award. The winner will receive a $2,500 - $5,000 honorarium to continue his or her organization's work in supporting cross-cultural understanding. The recipient of the Founder's Award must be a resident of the United States with at least a bachelor's degree who has done substantial work to build a grassroots organization with an international or national focus.   

Best Buy Community Grants

Deadline: August 1

Best Buy teams across the U.S.  select non-profit organizations that provide positive experiences to help teens to excel in school and develop life and leadership skills. Non-profits located within 50 miles of a Best Buy store or Regional Distribution Center may apply. Grants will average $4,000-$6,000 and will not exceed $10,000.    

Innovations in STEM Education Competition

Deadline: August 3

Ashoka is seeking creative approaches to solving the country's STEM challenge by bringing the passion and real-life skills of STEM experts to advance STEM learning in public schools. The competition is open to innovations in the United States. More than $120,000 in cash and in-kind prizes from Ashoka's Changemakers, Carnegie Corporation of New York, The Opportunity Equation, and our prize sponsors.


Nonprofit Capacity Building Grants

Deadline: August 9

The Corporation for National and Community Service has announced the availability of close to $1 million in funding to help build the capacity of small and midsize nonprofits to develop and implement performance management systems. CNCS will provide grants to a small number of intermediary organizations to assist nonprofits in resource-poor communities in developing performance management systems to help them better measure progress and improve performance. For this competition, CNCS expects to make up to five awards. CNCS will select no more than one intermediary based in a particular state.   

The Global Green USA's Green School Makeover Competition

Deadline: September 30

Would you like to give your school a 'Green School makeover'? If so, Global Green USA wants to hear about it! To enter 'The Global Green USA's Green School Makeover Competition', work on an essay with a teacher, a parent, or your school's PTA. The winner of the contest will win the grand prize, a $65,000 'Global Green USA Green Makeover' for their school. Global Green USA will also award four finalists $2,500 to be used on green projects within their school.


Home Depot Community Impact Grants Program 

Deadline: October 31

Proposals for the following community improvement activities will be considered: repairs, refurbishments, and modifications to low-income and/or transitional housing or community facilities, weatherizing or increasing energy efficiency of low-income and/or transitional housing or community facilities; planting trees or community gardens and/or landscaping community facilities; and development of community parks or green spaces. Grants of up to $5,000 are made in the form of The Home Depot gift cards for the purchase of tools, materials, or services.    

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