Wednesday, July 20, 2011

IDOT Engineering Academy

Dear Community Leader,

IDOT has established mentoring programs with schools throughout the state of Illinois to expose students to transportation careers and heighten the awareness of civil engineering as a career.  Partnerships have been forged with School District 186 in Springfield, the Upward Bound Program in East St. Louis, numerous Chicago Public high schools and other suburban Chicago high schools. IDOT engineers spend time in the classroom and help lead hands-on activities with students.

Targeting youth is necessary to grow the diverse workforce we will need for the future. The Engineering Academy will help to increase awareness of careers in the transportation industry. We are grateful for the opportunity offer a Summer Engineering Academy at Ach Technical High School for two sessions, on July 27th through the 29th from 9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. - Session One and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Session Two.

The summer Engineering Academy is a 3 day hands-on program that teaches high school students to use math and science to solve real world problems in transportation and civil engineering. Our purpose is to introduce some of the real world challenges IDOT civil engineers face and prepare the students for career opportunities in the transportation industry.

We are asking for your help in reaching approximately 50 high school teens to register for the summer Academy. A flyer and registration form is attached with more information. Please keep in mind that the deadline to register is July 22, 2011. A flyer and student registration and parent consent form is attached for your convenience in sharing this information.

We hope that you will consider assisting us in reaching appropriate youth in your program and/or area of influence. If you have any specific questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Dianne Williams at (312) 793-5376.

Dianne Williams, Community Relations Manager
Office of Communications
Illinois Department of Transportation
James R. Thompson Center - JRTC
100 West Randolph, Suite 6-600
Chicago, Illinois 60601

“Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it, autograph your work with excellence!”

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