Saturday, July 16, 2011

Grant Announcements

Health Centers Program Service Area Competitions
The Health Centers Program grants support a variety of community-based and patient-directed public and private nonprofit organizations that serve an increasing number of the Nation's under-served. Eligible applicants are state, county, city, and township governments; public and private non-profit and for-profit organizations. There is over $83M available for 37 grants. The application submission date is August 15, 2011.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service Grants FY 2011

The Department of Health and Human Services will provide up to $16M in grants ($800,000 maximum per project) to Community Development Corporations (CDCs) for projects designed to address the economic needs of low-income individuals and families through the creation of employment and business opportunities. The application submission date is July 21, 2011.

BJA FY 11 Building Neighborhood Capacity Program Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator
The Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative (NRI) is a White House-led federal partnership that supports transformation of distressed neighborhoods into neighborhoods of opportunity. Eligible applicants are nonprofit organizations, faith-based and community organizations, institutions of higher learning, and for-profit organizations with significant experience in supporting neighborhood and community development through training and technical assistance. Up to 3 grants of approximately $200,000 are available. The application submission date is July 25, 2011.

Integrating Trauma-Informed and Trauma-Focused Practice in Child Protective Service (CPS) Delivery
This solicitation supports public child welfare systems in their efforts to provide effective mental and behavioral health services for children and families and to further develop trauma-informed systems that promote safety, permanency, and well-being. Eligible applicants are state, county, city, and township governments; public and private non-profit and for-profit organizations. There is over $3M available for up to 5 awards. The application submission date is July 25, 2011

Early Education Partnerships to Expand Protective Factors for Children with Child Welfare Involvement
The purpose of this FOA is to support school-based initiatives to implement multi-disciplinary interventions building on protective factors for children who are at risk of child abuse and neglect or are currently in the child welfare system. Eligible applicants are state, county, city, and township governments; public and private non-profit and for-profit organizations. There is $8M available for up to 8 awards.The application submission date is July 25, 2011.

Education System Collaborations to Increase Educational Stability
The purpose of this FOA is to build collaborations between child welfare systems and Education systems to increase the educational stability of children in or at risk of entering the child welfare system. Eligible applicants are state, county, city, and township governments; public and private non-profit and for-profit organizations including community-based and faith-based organizations. There 8 awards of $200,000 a year for up to three years. The application submission date is July 26, 2011.

Using Family Group Decision-making to Build Protective Factors for Children and Families
The purpose of this FOA is to support demonstration projects that test the effectiveness of family group decision-making as a service approach that prevents children from entering foster care, thereby reducing the time that these children and families are involved with the child welfare system. Eligible applicants are state, county, city, and township governments; public and private non-profit and for-profit organizations.There is over $3M available for up to 6 awards The application submission date is July 27, 2011.

Pathways to Responsible Fatherhood Grants
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Family Assistance (OFA) is requesting applications to award demonstration projects that support "activities promoting responsible fatherhood". Eligible applicants are non-profits located within the community providing services to low-income fathers. There is over $52M available for 37 grants. The application submission date is July 28, 2011.

Community-Centered Responsible Fatherhood Ex-Prisoner Reentry Pilot Project
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Family Assistance (OFA) isrequesting applications to award demonstration projects that support "activities promoting responsible fatherhood". Eligible applicants are non-profits that provide innovative community-centered, pre- and post-release Responsible Fatherhood and supportive services to formerly incarcerated fathers. There is $6M available for 4 grants.The application submission date is July 28, 2011.

Community-Centered Healthy Marriage and Relationship Grants
This Funding Opportunity Announcement will support programs that have the capacity and proven track record of providing a broad range of marriage and relationship education (MRE) and skills training to low-income populations. Eligible applicants are state, county, city, and township governments; public and private non-profit; for-profit organizations; and public and private institutions of higher education. There is $57M available for 40 grants. The application submission date is July 28, 2011.

Healthy Eating Research: Building Evidence to Prevent Childhood Obesity
This program supports research on environmental and policy strategies with strong potential to prevent childhood obesity, especially among lower-income and racial and ethnic populations at highest. There are three types of awards under this RFP with approximately $2.35M to be awarded. The application submission date is August 2, 2011.

Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA)
The HOPWA program will address the National HIV/AIDS strategy's goals of reducing HIV/AIDS disparities, while addressing the Opening Doors Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness. Nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply. There is over $9 million available. The application submission date is August 2, 2011.

Healthy Smiles, Healthy Children Access to Care Grant
Poor oral health threatens the overall health of millions of young children but receives far less attention than concerns such as obesity, diabetes, and asthma. HSHC Access to Care Grants are matching/challenge grants of up to $20,000 per year supporting local service initiatives that provide dental care to under served/ limited access children. Eligible applicants are non-profits; state and local health departments; and hospitals and clinics. Letter of intent due date is August 15, 2011.

2011 Safe Kids Safe Schools Fund
The Field Foundation has reactivated the Safe Kids, Safe Schools Fund to provide discretionary mini-grants of up to $5,000 to Chicago-area nonprofit organizations that are working to prevent, reduce and respond to gun violence among youth. Nonprofits will be eligible to apply to the 2011 Safe Kids, Safe Schools Fund effective May 15, 2011 through September 30, 2011.

GTECH After School Advantage Program
The GTECH After School Advantage Program is a national community investment program, which provides non-profit community agencies and public schools with state-of-the-art computer labs. Each applicant is awarded $15,000 in in-kind technology resources. This grant opportunity has a rolling application submission process.

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