Friday, July 29, 2011

ICAH Is Looking for Interns Throughout The Summer and Upcoming School Year

ICAH Is Looking for Interns Throughout The Summer and Upcoming School Year
Are you a student interested in learning more about comprehensive sexual heath education? Do you enjoy doing research and projects? Can you devote ten-twelve hours a week to ICAH to learn more about us and the work we do? If interested in being an intern for ICAH this summer or upcoming school year, please email Anita Banerji, Director of Legislative Affairs.
ICAH's following departments are looking for students:
Advocacy: Interns would conduct public policy and data research, draft policy papers and briefs, attend meetings as needed, and assist with the planning and facilitation of ICAH's annual Advocacy Day at the State Capitol next spring.
Development: Interns would gain invaluable experience working on all grants-related activities (prospecting, letters of intent (LOIs), proposals, reports, thank you letters), fundraising, and communications.  They would have hands-on opportunities to learn about funder relationships and improve their written and verbal communications skills.
Organizing: Interns would assist with implementation of ICAH's School of Justice youth program,
assist in logistical planning and implementing of state-wide gatherings every two to three months, as well as
assisting in maintaining our social media networks in a timely manner.
Training: Interns would research and provide logistical support for the training department,
maintain the Adolescent Sexual Health Toolkit, research and write about current sexual health issues, research and write about youth development models, research and write about young parent issues, and conduct data research for analysis. 

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