Monday, August 01, 2011

JCPenny's "Pennies from heaven"

To reach afterschool for all, it’s going to take everyone working together, from parents and community groups to government and corporate leaders. Longtime afterschool champion jcpenney sets a great example: in the past decade, it has invested more than $100 million in the afterschool field. Its contributions have supported program and professional development, research and scholarships to help expand access to quality, affordable afterschool programs.      
This month, jcpenney takes its commitment to a new level with the unveiling of a fun, creative new campaign called pennies from heaven. Customers can round up any jcpenney purchase to make a donation to support afterschool programs. Pennies from heaven is the largest cause marketing initiative the company has ever launched, and we are thrilled that it is focused on afterschool.
Pennies from heaven will run July 31 through August 27, 2011 and again three more times over the school year. As the school season approaches, we are grateful to have jcpenney’s brand and fire power behind  afterschool, as it raises dollars to support the afterschool programs that keep kids safe, inspire them to learn and help working families.  With their support, more children will have access to quality afterschool programs in communities across America.
To learn more, visit You can also visit the pennies from heaven Facebook page to send a “lucky penny” to friends and preview the campaign.
Thank you jcpenney for all that you do!

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