Saturday, July 16, 2011

IDHS Rolls Out New Framework to Streamline the Healthcare and Human Services Delivery

IDHS Rolls Out New Framework to Streamline the Healthcare and Human Services Delivery in Illinois
The State of Illinois is planning to build a new health and human services system for seven state agencies called the Illinois Framework. The Illinois Public Health Institute is conducting Town Hall events in eleven cities across Illinois and inviting community service provider staff and advocates to share your thoughts on what improvements can be made to build a more efficient and effective healthcare and human services delivery system. The vision of the Framework is a system that is built around the needs and capabilities of human services customers. Customers will be able to apply for services in any state agency or community provider, by phone or online. Provider staff will have secure access to an integrated case file across services agencies. The system is being redesigned to help workers provide recipient services that encourage economic self-sufficiency and independence, as well as increase efficiency and reduce waste. The next Town Hall conversations will be held in Peoria, Champaign and East St. Louis at the end of July, with six other locations statewide through October. Please click here for more information or to register.

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